Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 10

As I read this chapter my thoughts kept turning to the traditions of the fathers.  I suppose no family is entirely exempt from being subject to false traditions that have been passed down through the generations.  As I look back through the generations in my own family I can see some traditions that have been eradicated.  I look upon those who made such (in some cases, radical) changes to offer me more light and truth.

Looking at my current situation, I am forced to conclude that some false traditions remain firmly rooted in my family.  I would do well to eliminate those before they are passed on.  The trouble is, false traditions are hard to identify when you've been raised to think they are true traditions.

The previous generation in my own family was highly manipulative.  Marriage helped me identify that one.  Such was not the case in my wife's family, so manipulative practices, which seemed normal to me, were repulsive to her.  I think one of the great blessings of marriage is the light that a new family can shed on the old one.  I suppose this to be the case in all marriages to some degree or other.

I'm convinced that false traditions remain entrenched in my family.  We remain somewhat dysfunctional, though to a lesser degree because of changes others have made.  Now it's my turn.  Trouble is, I can't yet put my finger on what they might actually be.  I think next year I might do well to focus on that problem and see what I can identify to contribute to the progress of my clan.  I think folks on both sides of the veil are counting on me to do just that.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 9

I am interested in the notion of over-zealousness.  Clearly, in hindsight Zeniff, thought better of his zeal.  I wonder what he could have done to recognize his error as a matter of foresight.  I suspect it may be a matter of being led rather than driven.  I've noticed on the book shelves a popular book called the Purpose Driven Life.  I've even considered reading it.  Somehow, though, my heart rejects the notion of being driven.  I relate it to sheep herding as opposed to shepherding.  I read today on Meridian Magazine about S. Michael Wilcox's retirement.  In the interview, he called himself driven.  Considering the kind of person he is and also considering the quality of his work, I might be unwise to be critical of the driven life.  Still, I find myself prefering to follow a leading Lord to being driven by some purpose of my own, however righteous it seems.

Now, clearly, God supported Zeniff in his zeal, much like God supported Joseph Smith is his quest for treasure in Salem, Massachusetts (See D&C 111), but if they had simply sought the will of the Lord they each might have saved themselves a lot of grief.

I think we do the same kind of thing when we over prepare a Gospel Doctrine lesson or when it requires a U-Haul trailer to deliver visual aids to a Relief Society lesson.  When I was Stake Mission President I was driven.  I was driven by production goals.  I achieved those goals.  Then, when evaluating things at the end of my mission I found that while the results looked good on paper, they were rather hollow in terms of real, fruit bearing results.  If I had not been over zealous, Heavenly Father might have made better use of my time and ambition.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 8

16 And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God. 
 I hope I never underestimate the great gift and calling Heavenly Father has entrusted to our current leaders.  We have among us today 15 Seers.  They have been given great power by God.  It is easy to take those gifts and those servants of the Lord for granted and not fully appreciate how blessed we are to have them.  As I pondered this today I realize I have to take their presence and counsel much more seriously.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 7

Are we not all a little like Zeniff.  We want life on our own terms and are pretty determined to make it so.  Then Satan comes along, just like the Lamanites and makes us offers that on the surface look like they'll help us get what we want.  Inevitably though, blinded by our own desires we are led into bondage in one form or another.  And we are forced to pay a tax of some sort that, like Limhi's is grievous to be born.  It is so with addiction, it is so with debt, it is so with so much of mortality.  It is always so if we insist on having life on our own terms.

It was so with me and I was desperate.  One day I was listening to The Book of Mormon on my iPod.  I was driving down the road at the time.  As is often the case, my mind had wandered.  Then these words suddenly stood out amid the blur:
33 But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."
I had spent so very much time doing battle with my captor and suddenly Limhi's words turned it all around for me.  I was not to do battle with the enemy in pursuit of freedom, I was to turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart and serve Him and let Him deliver me from bondage.  I am here to testifiy that this is an eternal principle.  Let us let God fight our battles.  Let us let him vanquish our enemies.  Let us trust and serve Him.  Immediately, I noticed that when I turned myself about and began to face God, my troubles were behind me - literally and figuratively.  The closer I approached God the further I got from my problems.  Of course!  The reverse is true also, if I turn toward my troubles, even to do battle with them, I am facing my troubles, but have turned my back on God.  We will discover the miracle of this principle as we learn more about the people of Zeniff, Noah, Limhi and Alma.  All, like us must submit to an "effectual struggle" but in the end it is always God who delivers us.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 6

How would it be if our political leaders didn't want to become a burden upon their constituents.  I heard a Congressman just the other day declare that he had no intention of accepting the lavish pension our legislators have created for themselves.  Kudos to such a man of integrity.

It is characteristic of the true church to keep careful records of those who enter the covenant.  How comforting it is that we are numbered, kept track of, so that we might be nurtured sufficiently to bear fruit.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 5

I know from experience that this mighty change of heart is available to be had by all.  I also know from experience that such a change is not necessarily permanent.
12 I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.
Retaining Christ's name written upon our hearts is a deliberate act.  As di said yesterday, remember, remember, remember.  Later we will read of Nephites who dwindle in unbelief.  The reason?  They forgot.  They didn't remember to fuel the fires of faith, fires that once burned bright and so those fires dwindled and many cases died.

I don't thing the change of heart these people experienced was of such a permanent nature that they were free from the obligation to endure to the end.  The admonition in verse 12 makes that plain.  I have have often been in meeting or situation that equally inspired me, changed me, and motivated me.  But then I relaxed and resting upon my laurels so to speak, lost what I had been given.  This has probably happened to most of us.  That word remember is so critical to our happiness and progress.  It is mentioned in the Sacrament prayer and in myriad scriptures.  Remembering takes effort, always remembering takes diligent effort.  Whether it be sticky notes on a bathroom mirror, rocks under our pillows, bowls of water on our book shelves, whatever it takes we need to constantly remind ourselves to remember.  Of course daily scripture study is helpful, so in regular, even constant prayer.  Even those things can become so routine and mundane that they don't work for keeping my memory fresh on such important matters.  I still haven't mastered a keen, constant sense of remembrance.  I sure hope to.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 4

Colleen Harrison, in her wonderful book He Did Deliver Me From Bondage gives a wonderful analysis of this chapter in which she pointed out that I was spiritually dyslexic.  When it came to the gospel I had it all backwards.  The way I approached keeping the commandments, accessing the Atonement and generally living my life had the cart before the horse.  I thought I had to perfect myself and then and only then could I worthily approach the Lord.  It was like waiting for the tumor to go away and then going to the doctor. 

Here King Benjamin points out that we must apply the Atonement to our lives by repenting, receiving a mission of our sins and then trusting in God by praying in humility faithfully, then He will prepare and assist us in doing all else that is required of us.  I was going about attempting the "all else" and neglecting the fundamental fact that Jesus is the only name by which I might receive salvation.  I was essentially trying to save myself, no wonder I was failing and frustrated.  Thankfully, I have now discovered that He is my strength and my song and that I accomplish nothing of value in my life, my family or the kingdom without His grace and assent.  If we willingly acknowledge our own nothingness and seek His aid, we can do all things that are expedient in Him.  If not we are on our own and He neither ratifies our labor, nor counts it toward our salvation.  If He were to do so He would be allowing us another means by which we can obtain eternal life.  A thing He cannot do.

On this wonderful, blessed Christmas day, I am thankful beyond measure that he condescended to come to earth to do for me what I cannot do for myself.  He suffered so very much that He might recover us and bring us home.  Blessed be the name of the Lord for it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 3

What an appropriate and magnificent message for Christmas Eve.  This must be the first recorded declaration that Christ's name should be Jesus.  I love this verse:
 13 And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy, even as though he had already come among them.
The revelations of Nephi, Jacob and Mosiah are so detailed and specific that those who lived prior to Christ's advent had no less advantage than we with regard to knowing of His life and ministry, knowing of His purpose and mission and knowing of His love and atoning sacrifice.  Even before his holy birth, willing Saints could enjoy all of the blessings we enjoy, if only the would.
19 For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.
Here is another very interesting word in the language of the Lord - yield.  In this context it seems to mean, to surrender or submit.  If one is willing, surrender ought to be such an easy thing.  I have a dear niece whose grandfather and grand uncle were German soldiers in WWII.  One was a POW in Russia and the other was a POW in the United States.  One came home malnourished and in poor health, the other came home robust and happy and gathered his immediate family and migrated to America.  Can you imagine the relief it was for him to surrender and become an American POW?  There was trepidation at first I'm sure, but as he continued to submit he made discoveries and familiarities that clearly comforted and astonished him.  For the first time in a long time he was safe and nurtured and respected.  Such, is the surrender we must make and more magnificent than we can imagine will be the results.  I hope in the New Year I can make such a complete, wholehearted surrender that I am willing to relocate entirely in Zion and leave Babylon behind.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 2

I hardly dare elaborate on King Benjamin's address.  This is just about my favorite sermon in all of scripture.  I declare myself an unprofitable servant this day.  I am in such enormous debt to the Lord and yet His blessing continue in abundance.  I shall never in all eternity be capable of repaying that debt.  The chapter reminds me that I'm not blessed so, because I deserve it.  My blessings come because God simply loves me and is interested in my happiness and progress.  Clearly, the best thing I can do is to try to emulate such a God and here, Benjamin teaches that the way to do that is to serve others.

I am happiest when I'm not thinking of or laboring for my own self, but rather laboring, praying and being in the service of others.  Benjamin's example of this very thing could be a worthy benchmark for each of us.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 1

When I think of King Benjamin I also think of Enoch.  In one generation they lead the people to peace and righteousness.  It makes me wonder about us.  I remember one time suggesting that we ought to be pursuing such a course ourselves.  The reply I got from one church leader startled me.  He said, "If Enoch had the same bunch of losers, that I've been saddled with, he wouldn't have succeeded either."  I think he's wrong.  I think neither Enoch nor Benjamin had any better qualified souls to work with than we have with us right here, right now.  Now, you and I may not be Kings or Prophets, but we are Primary Teachers and Young Men Advisers.  We are Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers.  We are parents.  We can have an Enoch, or Benjamin like influence on our own sphere of influence if we can just believe and let God guide our paths and direct our words.  We may not be able to inspire a City of Enoch or a Zarahemla, but we can inspire such a family, such a Primary Class, or Sunday School Class.  I'm feel impressed to watch King Benjamin very closely this time around and see if I can recognize clues as to how he did it. 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Words of Mormon - Chapter 1

Today my thoughts turned to this wonderful collection of records.  I think it no small miracle that they remained protected and in tact for the entire 1000 year history they record.  We have wonderful stories about how Joseph Smith was assisted in keeping the Golden Plates safe.  It would be fun to read the stories of these records of which Mormon speaks.  They too must have been prizes Satan would love to have corrupted or destroyed.  To me it is another Testament to the value of the scriptures and to God's kindness in preserving them for us.  Clearly this was the burden of many of the Nephite prophet's prayers.
8 And my prayer to God is concerning my brethren, that they may once again come to the knowledge of God, yea, the redemption of Christ; that they may once again be a delightsome people.
Notice how there is no tense in this verse.  No past, present or future tense is present.  I believe this may be because Mormon understood about redemptive work for the dead.  I believe he knew that one day, descendants of these enemy brethren and lost colleagues would find the gospel and assist in their recovery from their awful and fallen state.  Even these warriors among whom and against whom he fought, might one day, partake of the blessing of the Atonement and be a delightsome people.  I believe it is true.  I hope it is.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Omni - Chapter 1

It sounds like despite declarations of personal wickedness, these men maintained a belief and affiliation with the truth.  It is so sad to hear them describe how they spent their lives fighting their enemies.  They were stuck depending upon the arm of the flesh to accomplish what they'd forgotten God could do for them.  From my own experience it seems like they felt a sense of entitlement.  They felt they deserved freedom and all of it's trappings.  I think we are much the same way.  Most of us are willing to defend rights we think we deserve.  There is lies the rub.  In all reality we do not deserve anything.  The notion that we are entitled to something leads to expectation, which leads to disappointment, which leads to justification which leads to destruction.  Like the Nephites of old we seek to control our outcomes rather then entrusting them to the Lord.

This make's Amalaki's wonderful statement even more poignant and inspiring.
 26 And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
 He appears to have discovered that salvation, and I think even temporal salvation, come in no other way.  He seems for have discovered that life is not about gaining control, but rather offering control to God.

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen describes a daily Buddhist ritual that entails filling a bowl with water.  The water represents our lives - the good as well as the bad.  As the bowl is filling the worshiper receives her life with gratitude.  Next the filled bowl is carefully carried and placed upon an alter at which point the person consecrates her life, in it's imperfect entirety, to God.  I practiced this ritual for some time and found it very instructive and very useful in applying Amalaki's admonition that we offer our whole souls unto God.  I shall never forget the day when, as I approached the bookshelf that served as my alter I remembered having told a lie to a good friend.  My next thought turned to the scripture that advises -
“Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; “Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift” (Matt. 5:23–24).
 I couldn't put the bowl in it's place.  I tried to justify or rationalize but realized that this is the sort of thing Amaleki was speaking of.  I went and did my reconciliation and then was able to make my offering.  I'm not suggesting we all go out and get ourselves a bowl.  But I am suggesting that we take this admonition that seriously and deliberately offer our whole souls unto God.

How would the accounts in Omni have been different if Amaleki's predecessors understood this great principle.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jarom - Chapter 1

It appears that stiffneckedness is a surefire way to douse revelation.
4 And there are many among us who have many revelations, for they are not all stiffnecked. And as many as are not stiffnecked and have faith, have communion with the Holy Spirit, which maketh manifest unto the children of men, according to their faith.
I think it is important to realize here that according to Jarom, there is no other criteria that will cause revelation to cease.  I personally believe this to be true.  Of course as Jarom mentions, faith is necessary.  But I believe one can have faith and yet be obstinate enough to cause revelation to depart from his life. Humility seems to be the opposite of stiffneckedness.  To me, humility is the utter, complete acknowledgment of our dependence upon God for everything.  That accompanied by personal willingness to do whatever God asks of us.  While we may be deeply imperfect and lacking personal worthiness, revelation can and does come when we are humble and submissive.  I have spent too much time standing amongst the stiffnecked.

Enos - Chapter 1

23 And there was nothing save it was exceeding harshness, preaching and prophesying of wars, and contentions, and destructions, and continually reminding them of death, and the duration of eternity, and the judgments and the power of God, and all these things—stirring them up continually to keep them in the fear of the Lord. I say there was nothing short of these things, and exceedingly great plainness of speech, would keep them from going down speedily to destruction. And after this manner do I write concerning them.
When I was a kid this is the method that was used to teach us to behave ourselves.  I wonder if we were really that bad.  I remember thinking in Primary that Jesus loved me, but by the time Seminary got through with me I was scared to death of Him.  There was hellfire and damnation from the pulpit too.  These days those tactics and notions have gone away.  In my heart I am glad of it.  But looking around at the mess we are in I wonder if we've gone too soft.

I know that when the kids come to church at the Detention Center (most are not members of the LDS Church) they expect some serious pulpit pounding.  When they find love, kindness and understanding instead they are startled and pleasantly surprised to find a gospel of love and forgiveness.

Anyway, I love this chapter about prayer and forgiveness and love for enemies as well as brethren.  I'm just not sure what to make of this verse.  It just isn't comfortable for me to think of "many prophets" using fear tactics to keep the believers in line.  I resented it as a kid and struggle with it now.  It nearly pushed me away and left me feeling guilty and irredeemable most of my life. 

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 7

It think Sherem is the classic example of the political spin and divisiveness we're experiencing today.  Don't be alarmed, I'm not choosing up sides.  This problem is not exclusive to one ideology or party.

Some of his tactics are:
  • Fault finding - verse 2
  • Contrariness - verse 2
  • Educational prowess - verse 4
  • Flattery - verse 4
  • Selective truth - verse 7
  • Calling evil good and good evil - verse 7
  • Skepticism - verse 7
  • Sign seeking - verse 13
  • Lies and deceit - verse 19
I wonder if we might use these observations to help us discern the true motivations of those who seek to shake our faith and interfere with our freedom?  I think we can.

I also think we can use Jacob's methods to help protect ourselves from being deceived by those who would destroy that which is good and true in our lives.  We could:
  • Search the scriptures
  • Rely on the Holy Ghost
  • Trust God
Sherem was a wrecker, Jacob a builder.  The fruit of the truth is so beautiful.
 23 And it came to pass that peace and the love of God was restored again among the people...
Peace and love the two best indicators of righteousness and it's own best blessings.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 6

I love how Jacob points out that whether or not God's pruning, digging about and fertilizing, His nurturing, has the desired effect in our lives, is completely up to us.  I'll never forget President Hugh B. Brown's wonderful talk called God is the Gardener in which God says, "I am the Gardener here and I know what I want you to be.  If I let you go the way you're going you'll never amount to anything."  To which President Brown replies, "Thank you Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me enough to hurt me."  The beauty of President Brown's choice was not in what happened to him but in his response to what happened to him.  Will we choose to reject the Gardener or to grow at His nurturing hand?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 5

Verse 25 seems to refer to the Nephites and Lamanites.  They were given a Promised Land, very fertile and fine.  I can't help but wonder who verse 22 refers to.  Obviously, they weren't granted such a fertile nice place to dwell, but flourished anyway.  I don't intend to speculate here.  I really don't have much of a guess.  I just find it interesting that having a poor spot of ground didn't hamper their development.  In fact it may have contributed to the outcome.  Additionally, I'd like to hear their story.  There must be a record coming forth someday, to tell us of these hardy souls who flourished under harsh conditions.  Perhaps when things become more difficult for us, we'll flourish better too.

While it is certain that the allegory of the tame and wild olive trees is about Israel and her prophetic history.  I discovered today that the story can be likened unto myself.  I personally have required some pruning and digging about and fertilizing.  I too have needed to be grafted into different situations to humble, strengthen and rescue me.  I too have borne wild as well as sweet fruit.  I too have grieved the master of the vineyard.  I hope one day I will bear Him adequate fruit.  For me the biggest problem with being a fruitful tree is best described in this verse.
48 And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: Is it not the loftiness of thy vineyard—have not the branches thereof overcome the roots which are good? And because the branches have overcome the roots thereof, behold they grew faster than the strength of the roots, taking strength unto themselves. Behold, I say, is not this the cause that the trees of thy vineyard have become corrupted?
I am so quick to take strength unto myself, to take credit for my accomplishments, to suppose I don't require the help of the Lord or to draw strength from my roots.  Obviously, Christ is the source of my strength and clearly I can do nothing without his strength and support.  I also believe that my own ancestors are directly involved in inspiring me, blessing me and assisting me in my efforts here in this life.  I must stop taking personal credit for that strength so generously supplied by God and his servants.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 4

  9 For behold, by the power of his word man came upon the face of the earth, which earth was created by the power of his word. Wherefore, if God being able to speak and the world was, and to speak and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth, or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it, according to his will and pleasure?
 I have underestimated God's power and the nature of it my entire life.  I still have a hard time comprehending it and probably always will, at least while in mortality.  Still, He has a way of showing us things from time to time.  Because of my addiction I was very uncomfortable with this verse from Section 121 of The Doctrine and Covenants.
45 Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distill upon thy soul as the dews from heaven.
 Being in recovery allowed me to, more comfortably, ponder that verse recently.  The word let caught my attention.  All my life I had been trying to force virtue to garnish my thoughts.  Of course, I wondered, how do I let, or allow, that to happen?  I tried to think of other instances where God chose the word let.  One, in particular came to mind.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
Note that in this verse of Genesis chapter one God's speaking of the word let was the action taken to establish light in His creation.  Now what struck me about this line of thinking came back in Section 121 where we are taught that if we let virtue (or from yesterday's discussion, purity) garnish our thoughts, great blessings come, one of which I have highlighted.
46 The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.
Clearly, God's dominion flows unto Him without compulsory means.  So when He desires the creation of something He simply allows it to happen by His word.  His word removes whatever restricts the flow of that particular thing.  In light of what D1 Warbler said a couple of days ago about the Temple mirrors and the need to get out of our own way, I think this is brilliantly instructive.  In mortality we tend to think we have power, we think we have the need to use it.  We learn to trust in the arm of the flesh.  Perhaps Jacob is trying to teach us that God is the source of power.  Perhaps if we learn to surrender to His will and let His virtue flow into us and garnish our lives, He can recreate us according to His word.  Surrender, a word we often use in addiction recovery seems quite synonymous with the word let.  A word which, when spoken by God makes all the difference in the world.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 3

 2 O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever.
 I think this may be my most favorite verse in all of the scriptures.  The privilege of feasting upon the love of Christ.  What greater gift and promise could there be.  The promises of the previous verse are sweet and comforting by nothing excels the blessing of realizing and enjoying the Savior's great abiding love.

To some degree or other, I suppose, all of us can blame our darkness and error on the choices and even wickedness of our fathers.  I think about this all the time while working with the kids at the Detention Center.  There is no need to revile against them, they are victims of the circumstances under which they were raised and also the things they have been taught.  As I said, to some degree this is true of all of us.  Now, I think this is an important thing to understand when we deal with others.  It allows us to cut them some slack, to view their problems with compassion and understanding.  They did not ask to be raised in a broken home in which their parents did drugs and who knows what else.  Who can blame them for their confusion, frustration and fear.  Others might look at each of us with a similar view of compassion and understanding.  I would hope they do and they would refrain from reviling against me and my many weaknesses.

It is important, though, that when we view our own weakness that we understand that while me may not have been the cause of our problems, they are our problems and we, individually are the ones who much confront and seek the help of the Redeemer in overcoming them.  I think this may have been what Jacob was referring to when is put the one stipulation on having the privilege of feasting upon the love of Christ.  That being that our minds must be firm forever.  Firmness of mind cannot include seeking to blame others for our circumstances.  Firmness of mind seems to require a continuing measure of personal responsibility and determination.  I have spent a lot of years succumbing to a flabby mind.  One that lacks discipline, focus, understanding and intent.  It has been quite a process to get it into shape and I still have a way to go.  For me it is not unlike getting my flabby body into shape.  I have to show up, work hard, suffer some discomfort, be consistent, eat right and have help.  But, also, like having a firm body, a firm mind is richly rewarded.  And that makes any sacrifice well worth the effort.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 2

Personally, I cannot imagine wanting more than one wife.  Not that marriage is unpleasant but, rather because it is so pleasant.  Who in their right mind would wish to interfere with the intimacy, companionship, joy and love an exclusive, close companionship can enjoy.  Not I.  I suspect that men who would seek more, haven't invested fully in the relationship they have.  Surely, looking beyond one's current marriage would be labor indeed.  When Jacob calls it "laboring in sin" as opposed to yesterday's chapter in which he invites us to enter into His rest, he isn't kidding.

Imagine the labor it must be to try to sufficiently maintain more than one intimate relationship, especially in the case of one who is trying to conceal subsequent trysts.  It must be exhausting, worrisome and overwhelming.  How do people get so confused that they think such thing might be an improvement in some way.

So it is with all sin.  Thieves often work harder, at greater risk and smaller reward than if they simply went out and got a job.  Drug addicts literally expend Herculean effort to maintain their habits and destroy all around them in the process.  Liars have to keep track of their tales in order to keep from being found out.  Honest people can just relax.  Living righteous lives is so much easier, so much more pleasant, having so much less risk, fear and distress.  How do we let Satan fool us into thinking otherwise.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jacob - Chapter 1

I've often pondered what it means to enter into the rest of the Lord.  I think our understanding of life hereafter doesn't preclude work.  According to Moses 1:39, God works.  Perhaps Jacob means rest from temptation.  Maybe it is rest from the labor of sin.  Personal experience bears witness to the fact that sin is very laborious and exhausting.  The perception that approaching Heaven is an effort demanding climb probably comes from the fact that we must climb over the obstacles of mortality.  Many of those obstacles are placed in our path, but in the end the biggest obstacle is overcoming ourselves.  Perhaps if we could get out of our own way the journey along the path of life would approach effortlessness.  Perhaps then, we could rest.  Perhaps the notion that we have to work our way into Heaven is what exhausts us so much.  Maybe entering into His rest means that we must surrender to the Savior and allow Him to rescue us.  Maybe His rest comes in that moment when we finally accept the fact that we are only saved based on His merits and mercy and not upon our own.

There is a great article at Meridian Magazine on this topic.  Read it here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 33

There sure a lot of similarities in sentiment and thought between Nephi's last words and Moroni's.  Each is so earnest in their desire that the word might have it's intended effect in the lives of their readers.  Each has a keen awareness of his weakness.  Each has a firm conviction of God's purpose in having them make their records.  Each has lofty hopes of the word of God reaching into the hearts of many.

I've thought a lot today about the earnestness with which I approach my callings.  Do I pray anxiously for the recipients of the service I am called to perform?  Or am I mostly praying that I won't embarrass myself.  Do I have a Nephi like conviction that I really am about my Father's business, that my efforts are truly in accord with His desires and Eternal will?  When my callings get difficult do I perform them anyway with a firm determnation to be obedient?

For me, Nephi has been persuasive in expounding the doctrine and causing me to believe it.  The big question lies in whether or not I am following Nephi's example as well as his teachings.  I hope I am.  There is certainly lots of room for improvement.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 32

What a wonderful thing.  Once we've entered the path by the gate we receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost who will then reveal to us how to live our lives.  Thus we are admonished to receive personal revelation.
I teach this principle to the youth at the Detention Center by using an Alcoholic's Prayer as my example:

"Lord what would thou have me do today?  Please grant me the strength to do it."
I love to point out to them that this prayer requires that we hear the voice of God in our hearts.  It is always remarkable how willing they are to believe that they can and will actually receive revelation.  My experience has shown that even the worst drunk or most messed up Meth Head is entitled to an answer to both aspects of that simple prayer.  Once we've accepted the notion that God will speak to us.  Then we have to accept the very real fact that God will never ask more of us that we can give.  Additionally, we need to understand that He never expects us to go from point A to point Z in one instantaneous jump.  He is patient, He will only ask us to do today that which He has prepared us to do today.

Most of us have been raised with expectations that often exceed our current, Heaven assissted abilities.  God never does that.  Too often we beat ourselves up by holding ourselves to some lofty standard that God knows we're not quite ready for - yet.  When He says he will teach us line upon line, precept upon precept, this chapter is what He is talking about.  He doesn't demand basket upon box, but line upon line, as we are prepared.  When He tells us what we should do, it shouldn't be scary.  It is always kindly, measured perfectly for our present needs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 31

I love that Jesus asks nothing of us that He is not willing to do Himself.  It is significant that these specific doctrines are taught by Nephi to his people.  These doctrines overlaid on the Law of Moses show that pre-meridian people were not limited to the fundamental law, if and when they are willing to live the higher law.  Clearly, the higher law that Jesus introduced in Palestine was thoroughly introduced prior to that time with select and selected people.
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ."
I love this counsel.  I will always be grateful for the discovery that the greatest problem I had in overcoming my addictive behaviors was that I was trying to hide my self and my problem for God.  Now if I was accused of this I would have said my accuser was silly.  Anyone knows you can really hide from God.  Still we do it all the time.  That was the first thing Adam and Eve did after their transgression and it is commonly what we all do when we sin.  Being willing to openly approach God with our problems, however embarrasing, is utterly vital to putting them aside. I will always appreciate a story Sister Cheiko Okasaki told about a dream a lady had in which Jesus came for a visit.  Her house was unkempt and dinner yet to be prepared.  When Jesus arrived she asked him to sit in the tidy living room while she cleaned the kitchen and fixed the meal.  Jesus sought to come help, but she resisted.  She didn't want Him to see her mess.  When He eventually prevailed she found that He was wonderful company and wonderfully helpful and capable in helping her clean and prepare.  So it is with me.  I too commonly try to keep God in the tidy parts of my life, instead of inviting Him in to help clean up the mess.  Keeping God in the tidy parts of my life is what I think Nephi was saying when he asks us not to act and hypocrisy or deception before God.  I know He can only clean up my life so far as I let Him in to do so.

Monday, December 7, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 30

That the children of Lehi would one day become a pure and delightsome people is interesting to me.  I wonder what Nephi meant by that.  I have spent my life associated with native North Americans and find them all delightsome.  Their purity is not for me to judge.  Most I know would qualify I should think.

Clearly poverty, alcoholism and more recently, drugs have taken their toll on these populations.  Clearly, the cultural shift our society seems to expect of them has caused them problems and left many in despair.  Nevertheless, many many are living lives of promise and magnificent representations of Nephi's prophecy.

Larry EchoHawk, pictured here is a fine example.  I won't go into details here but would invite you to read about him here.

As a boy, my family served a mission among the local Indian Tribe.  A few were still dwelling in Tee Pees at the time.  If I had the space I'd love to describe the marvelous progress these people have made in the past 50 years alone.  I am loathe to criticize their culture or history.  I question the merits of our efforts to Westernize them.  I grieve for the injustices they've suffered.  And I admire their, resilience, tenacity, courage and good humor as, time after time, I watch them rise above enormous affliction and make magnificent contributions to society.  I have loved watching Nephi's prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes.  I suspect we are just observing the beginning of something even more impressive.

I don't want of over emphasise this part of the chapter,  because Nephi makes it plain that ancestry is not what makes a true disciple of Christ.  Rather, the choices we make as to whom to follow and in whom to put our trust make that determination for Israelite or Gentile alike.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 29

Do they remember the travails, and the labors, and the pains of the Jews, and their diligence unto me, in bringing forth salvation unto the Gentiles?
I think it is a bit startling that in a discussion of Gentiles who are so enamored with the Bible that they will reject and further revelation that the above observation is made.  Seems like two inferences can be made from this statement.  First, that they don't really appreciate the Bible as much as they claim to do.  The second, is sweet to me.  A sweet assurance to Paul, Timothy, Peter, James, John and others that their labors after his departure were indeed pleasing to the Lord.  Surely, they've already been told this, but clearly we needed it.  We Latter-day Saints.  We need to know that the Great Apostasy did not come because of the 12, but because of those who, subsequently corrupted the truth with Greek philosophy, pagan rituals and outright lies.

While the Bible has been stripped of many plain and precious things, it remains a priceless gem and given The Book of Mormon to clarify the doctrine, the light it contains can more brightly shine forth.  The Book of Mormon only enhances and edifies the value of the Bible.  We who understand this are truly blessed!

I guess I always thought of this chapter as placing the Bible in a secondary role to The Book of Mormon, this little notion today, changed that.  It is time I spent more time enjoying it's inspired pages.

I spent yesterday and will spend today, crossing the plains.  I've been in a relatively comfortable car.  By nightfall I'll have gone from Chicago to Utah in two days.  As I have journeyed so swift and easily I've thought of the pioneers whose travails, labors and diligence are often, also under appreciated.  Many, throughout the history of the world have sacrificed so much so we could enjoy such great blessings so easily taken for granted.  Last night I wept for them and their suffering.  Today I weep for me, for my carelessness disregard of their great gift.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 28

For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.
Thank heaven for the blessing of continuing revelation!  Last year I had a co-worker and good friend who is a Landmark Baptist Preacher.  We no longer work together, but he remains a friend.  He had spent years in divinity school and was truly a scholar.  He was an honest one at that.  His extensive studies of the Bible had lead him to abandon many traditional beliefs held dear by other Baptists.  The consequence is that his congregation is small and he gets a fair amount of persecution among his peers.  I love that through honest study he has learned so much truth.  We found (percentage wise) very little to disagree about.  Of course we were seeking to find an "area of agreement" as President Hugh B. Brown used to say, rather than focus on points upon which we didn't agree.

My point here is, however, that despite almost superhuman effort and honesty.  My friends still comes short of the fullness of the gospel because he can't yet countenance continuing revelation nor central church authority.  We are so very blessed to have The Book of Mormon and other scripture of the restoration.  We are so blessed to be led by living prophets who have none other desire than to convey the word of the Lord.  I think all the woes pronounced in this chapter are not threats as much as they are expressions of sorrow at the plight so many good people endure while struggling, sometimes valiantly, in the darkness.

Then of course there are the proud.  I have a friend who has been addicted to pornography for years.  He knows he needs help.  I know he could learn a lot about the Atonement that he doesn't yet fully understand, if he would attend LDS Addiction Recovery Program meetings.  He says he'd like to.  His wife insists it would be too mortifying a breach of privacy.  For pride, he stays home, suffers alone and remains addicted.  That's how pride works it's destruction; in our self avowed determination to repent without humility.  Of course the greater problem with pride is not in the rejection of the Lord's programs but rather in rejection of the Lord himself.  To the degree that we have a notion that we can save ourselves without a savior, we are condemned.  Not as much by our misdeeds as by our rejection of the only way by which we might escape them.

Friday, December 4, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 27

When I was younger and prouder I could hardly stand to think about the sealed portion of The Book of Mormon.  I wanted to look inside so badly.  It was like an unopened present beneath the Christmas tree, so attractive and appealing, yet off limits.
Today, a bit more humble, I've discovered that I've barely scratched the surface of what was not sealed.  I don't even measure up to that gift, how could I possibly be prepared for more?  Not yet.  Not even close.
 3 And all the nations that fight against Zion, and that distress her, shall be as a dream of a night vision; yea, it shall be unto them, even as unto a hungry man which dreameth, and behold he eateth but he awaketh and his soul is empty; or like unto a thirsty man which dreameth, and behold he drinketh but he awaketh and behold he is faint, and his soul hath appetite; yea, even so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion.

  4 For behold, all ye that doeth iniquity, stay yourselves and wonder, for ye shall cry out, and cry; yea, ye shall be drunken but not with wine, ye shall stagger but not with strong drink.
It is amazing to me how spot on these two verses are when it comes to my addiction.  To anyone's addiction.  Addicts often describe the "hole in the heart" or internal emptiness that nothing external seems to satisfy or fill.  It is indeed an appetite that never goes away.  I have come to believe that that feeling is spiritual hunger.  We are so good at satisfying physical hunger and so poor at recognizing spiritual hunger.  Too many spirits are literally starving to death.  In an effort to satiate a lack we don't even understand we seek drugs, alcohol, pornography, food, anything we think might help.  Very often in today's world we are indeed drunken and not necessarily with wine.

I believe the world at large is still trying to emerge from the darkness of centuries of apostasy.  Even in the church many are trapped in old, self sufficient ways of thinking that lead us to seek our own solutions, our own fixes, rather than turning to the true and living God for the sustenance only He can give.  I also believe that currently addiction in its many hideous forms is Satan's most captivating insidious tool.

The Book of Mormon as a voice from the dust, anticipated this very problem as directed by God.  It is the sole greatest source for addiction recovery.  It's promise in that regard is unto all.

Thanks to The Book of Mormon -
35 They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 26

The most remarkable blessing of this chapter is not written but implied.  When Nephi read Isaiah, his interpretation goes far beyond anything Isaiah wrote.  In other words, Nephi prayed about Isaiah's words and as a direct consequence was shown in vision the interpretation as it applied to him and is descendants.

Maybe we're being too confined in our thinking as we seek to understand Isaiah for ourselves.  I have personally tried to apply direct and detailed meaning to Isaiah, as have many commentators I have read.  I have never sought to see for myself, what Isaiah saw.

I suspect that God would not show me everything Isaiah saw, it is more likely that God would show me, like he showed Nephi, only that which applies to me and to my stewardship.  Nephi's details seem to be focused on his family, their experience, needs and influence.  What happens to the descendants of Benjamin, or Levi, or Cain are less specifically mentioned and wouldn't be mentioned at all except that The Book of Mormon would one day reach them, convert some of them who would then reach out to Nephi's descendants.  I hope to look at Isaiah in a whole new light now that I've observed this.  It puts a whole new light on "liken the scriptures" to ourselves, for me.  While Isaiah said nothing of Christ's eventual appearance in America, that, by the Gift of the Holy Ghost, is what reading Isaiah produced for Nephi.

I believe that if I fail to have similar experiences to those of Nephi, within the realm of my stewardship, it is because I don't believe.
33 For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile. 
When I put my name into this verse personal, new and divine meaning reaches into my heart.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 25

One of the reasons I love The Book of Mormon so much is that Nephi delighted in plainness.  I remember the first time I read The Old Testament.  It was on my mission.  I went from that to reading The Book of Mormon and it was like coming out of a cave into daylight.  Don't take me wrong, I loved The Old Testament, but in terms of clear, pure, understandable plainness The Book of Mormon excels brilliantly.  I am so glad we are counseled to read from it's pages continually.

Any one who had tried to keep the law has failed to fully do so.  Paul described it as a school master.  Our attempts to live perfect lives according to the law will always, of necessity, meet with failure and disappointment.  Perhaps the schooling comes in the realization of our own ability to save ourselves.  A sincere effort to keep the law is a sure fire way to discover our weakness and make the vital discovery that we need help.

...there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved.
This is the central discovery we all must make and then accept.  Whether Muslim or Jew, Christian or Buddhist all must recognize the Holy Messiah and rely upon His merits and mercy, or we cannot be saved.  There is no other way.  I believe Isaiah's prophecies are full of the hope and assurance that God is working to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."  Whether nations or individuals, all will spend time outside the "arms of safety" and must choose to surrender to Christ to obtain that blessed peace and salvation that only He can provide.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 24

 1 For the Lord will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land; and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob.

It is so interesting that the god's we create for ourselves make far more horrible demands of us than the true and living God does.  Our god's expect us to toss our virgins in to volcanoes, put us into slavery, have no mercy and are completely capricious.  The true and living God sacrifices Himself in order to reconcile us to Him, not the other way around.  He is faithful, reliable, merciful and kind.  Why then, to we persist in choosing gods of our own creation?  Perhaps we think we need to deserve what we get.  If that's what we choose, we'll certainly get what we deserve.

Quite often I ask the kids at the Detention Center this fun question.  "When you come before God's judgement seat, do you want a fair trial?"  They always answer that they do.  "In other words, you hope you'll get what you deserve?" I ask them?

"Well no, we don't want what we deserve."  they reply.  "We're hoping for mercy."

Why then do we choose unmerciful gods?  We are so gullible and vulnerable to the lies told to us by he who has fallen from Heaven.  How often we need to be reminded that God is good, faithful, persistently redemptive and forgiving.
24 The Lord of Hosts hath sworn, saying: Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand— 
 His is a plan of happiness, a plan of redemption, a plan of salvation.  His purpose is to bring us home and so shall it stand.

Monday, November 30, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 23

I hesitated to use the photo above.  I don't want to pretend I have any clue how the prophecies of Isaiah in this chapter will be fulfilled in the particular.  Whether Isaiah saw such a scene as depicted here or not I have no way to tell.  Babylon could be entirely destroyed and still leave the cities and buildings in tact.  I would like Babylon to be destroyed by abandonment.  Wouldn't it be great if everyone simple fled to Zion and left Babylon empty and unsustained.  I suspect that eventually, if we will follow the Prophet, that is what will happen; at least to those who prefer Zion over Babylon.
12 I will make a man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
To Babylon, the individual child of God is just fodder for factories, or fuel for the fires of political ambition.  Only in the gospel of Jesus Christ is he or she seen with glorious potential and infinite worth.  To Babylon we are dispensable commodities; to Christ we are precious children.  Steven R. Covey once observed that according to the Doctrine and Covenants, the chief characteristic of those who obtain the Celestial Kingdom is that they are "Valiant in the testimony of Jesus."  He goes on to say that perhaps we are not viewing this statement in it's fullness.  Perhaps this is a call for us to be valiant in His testimony about us.  His whole life has been a statement of our worth and potential.  His Eternal life demonstrates that on every level.  If we are valiant in viewing ourselves in the light of His view of us, will we not emerge from Babylon and it's lies and deceit?  Babylon distorts our view of ourselves like a fun house mirror.  Christ and His gospel give us the clarity, purpose and meaning that will take us out of Babylon.  The best, most productive destruction of Babylon is to leave her abandoned and rejected.  With Stakes of Zion in so many places these days, fleeing to Zion geographically, may be no more dramatic than crossing the street.  Still, the difference will be like night and day. 

To some degree or other we are all in bondage to Babylon.  If we follow the Prophet, God will lead us out of that bondage and away from both it's physical and spiritual destruction.  Babylon is falling, let her go. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 22

The summary for this chapter says it describes the Millennial Reign of Christ.  There is no doubt this is true.  Still, as I read it I felt as if that "coming day" has already come for me.  So much of what it describes is what I currently enjoy.  I feel like His anger has been turned away from me, that I have been comforted, saved, that I am free to drink from the wells of Salvation.  The joy of my life is to praise and declare Him.

Twice, two different Stake Presidents have told me that if Christ were here he would likely be found serving at the Detention Center.  With humility and gratitude, I informed them that, "He is and He does."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 21

 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
It is easy to assume that in this verse slay means to literally kill the wicked.  And while this is obviously true in many cases, I wonder if me might consider another possibility.  Later in The Book of Mormon we will discover that the Lamanites destroyed the Gadianton robbers from among them.  Read how this was done:
 Helaman 6:37 And it came to pass that the Laminates did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Laminates. 
Is it not entirely possible that, hearing His voice and His teachings will have the same effect upon the peoples of the earth that the preaching of the Lamanites had upon the Robbers of Gadianton?  Perhaps the slaying and destruction refers to the old man of sin and not necessarily the destruction of the body, at least in many cases.  Could it not also be that the cleansing of the earth by fire, at His coming, could be as by fire and the Holy Ghost?  Certainly it can be if we so choose.

At any rate, the Millennial reign of the Master will we a wonderful time.  A time only imagined in all the history of the earth.  Telestial living hasn't been all that bad in the aggregate.  Terrestrial living will be a wonderful new opportunity and step toward eventual Celestial living.  Oh, that it might come soon for the sake of the children.

Friday, November 27, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 20

The concept in this chapter is a difficult one for the self reliant.  It is so hard not to feel the need to personally fix what's wrong with ourselves and the world around us.  The first several verses especially tell us what can be best described by a quote from Anne Perry in her profound book Come Amageddon:
"Of course....I suppose it's comfortable to think of evil as stupid, but it is only stupid in the spiritual sense. It can never win because it destroys the very thing it fights for. There is nothing left for the victor."
Whether it be Calno and Carchemish or Fanny Mae and Acorn, the result of power grabs is the same - destruction, chaos and misery.  It might appear that the ones at the top are insulated from the pain and misery their corruption causes but;
25 For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction.
Don't think for a minute that the wicked and their corruption will not be dealt with by a loving and kind Father in Heaven.

On a more personal note I'll never forget a conversation I had with a sweet missionary called to serve with the LDS Addiction Recovery Program.  He was new to the program and was just beginning to learn about how people recover from addiction.  He couldn't restrain himself from giving me and others credit for the remarkable progress we had made.  We kept resisting his praise and it frustrated him.  He just couldn't understand that the objective wasn't to get control of ourselves but rather, to give control to God.  Something, he had yet to do - and eventually did magnificently.  Anyway back to our conversation.  He had just praised me once again.  I had just rejected his praise with a quote from Heber J. Grant, "Devil talk, makes me proud."  My friend asked me to explain.  "I get no credit for my recovery, 'Shall the ax boast itself against him that heweth therewith? Shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it?'"  He couldn't understand.  So I explained further.  I am the axe, I am the saw.  I didn't create myself, I didn't sharpen myself and I most certainly didn't have the power to move myself.  I can no more take credit for what I have accomplished, than could the saw or the axe Isaiah describes in this chapter.
33 Behold, the Lord, the Lord of Hosts shall lop the bough with terror; and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down; and the haughty shall be humbled. 
I is easy to think this scripture is about the big and powerful, but I got lopped with terror, my high stature was hewn down, I was haughty and was humbled.  Were it not so I could not possibly be enjoying recovery today.  I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who carefully, kindly, purposefully, brought me to a place of humility.  The only place I could be rescued from.  My dear missionary friend now understands this, his humbling trials, though different than mine, were no less effective in helping him realize what humility actually is; our honest acknowledgment of our utter dependence upon God for everything we have, are and do.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 19

One of the most poignant moments in my recovery journey out of addiction, came while reading He Did Deliver Me From Bondage by Colleen Harrison.  There she invited me to liken the scriptures to myself by inserting my own name or a personal pro-noun.  She used this verse for her example:
For unto me a child is born, unto me a son is given; and the government (of my life) shall be upon his shoulder; and (I shall call His name), Wonderful, Counselor, My Mighty God, My Everlasting Father, My Prince of Peace.
On this favorite day, I feel to thank Him most especially, for delivering me from bondage.  Allowing Him to govern my life has led me to sing this verse, along with Handel, over and over and over again.  He was born into mortality for me.  He lived for me.  He died for me.  And so it is for each one of us.

 17 Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows; for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
  18 For wickedness burneth as the fire; it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forests, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.
I think you probably know by now, how much I love the youth at the Detention Center.  I spent two hours last night playing volleyball with them.  How the fire of wickedness is consuming their precious lives.  Of the 22 kids who are presently locked up, there is not one whose home is not broken.  Most have never lived in a two parent home.  Most have parents who themselves are consumed by addiction.  Half have parents who are not even allowed in the building for a visit.  Many get no visitors at all during their entire stay.  Many are being raised by grandparents.  Many have had their very lives threatened.  Some have tried to take the life of another.  Most are promiscuous, and all are saddened by the results. Two are pregnant. Often they commit crimes so they can enjoy the relief from fear, hunger, neglect and rejection the Detention Center provides for them.  Prison and it's regular schedule, meaningful rules, thoughtful structure, caring staff, regular exercise, warm safe beds, regular meals and opportunity to lower their guard, is a haven, if not a heaven, from the hell that is their lives.  For all this, his anger is not turned away (obviously), by his hand is stretched out still.  He loves them and in so many ways is hissing or calling for them.  And they are feeling for Him.  They are scared to trust Him, but gradually some of them do and eventually, all of them will.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 18

"...this people refuseth the waters of Shiloah that go softly..."

It's the same scenario played out so many times among the children of Abraham; choosing what seems expedient over that which requires faith.  It doesn't make sense to the natural man to accept God's plan so we manufacture one of our own.  From the perspective of God and the prophets, the choice is easy, but from that of weak mortals, it's just too scary.

I love a book by Rachel Naomi Remen, called My Grandfather's Blessings.  In one chapter her Grandfather teaches her about Moses delivering Israel from Egypt.  He explains that after Pharaoh finally lets them go, Moses approaches the Children of Israel and explains that they are free to leave.  They tell Moses that they don't want to go.  Rachel then asks her Grandfather why they don't want to go.  "Wouldn't the rather choose freedom over bondage?"  Her grandfather then taught a very important lesson we all must learn.  He said, "The choice is never between bondage and freedom, it is between bondage and the unknown."  Our reluctance to partake of the living water and to do things the Lord's way requires faith.  It requires that we step out of our comfort zones, give control to God and surrender our will to His.  Had Isaiah been able to persuade Israel to do this, they would have been protected and prospered.  I have learned that such waters do indeed go softly, but first we must believe and trust.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 17

It doesn't get any plainer than this"

14 Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign—Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
I don't suppose any Jew could misunderstand that Isaiah was telling them that Jehovah would come to dwell in Israel and that He would be born of a virgin.  It is interesting that the Lord gives this distant event as a sign to the Jews that Isaiah's more current and pressing prophecies were inspired and would come to pass.  I would think it should be the other way around.  Perhaps the Lord and Isaiah had given up on that contemporary generation and knew that as these rebellious, chosen children perished in wars and famines they would arrive on the other side needing an awareness of the blessed relief of suffering the Savior could offer them. Perhaps, then, they would believe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 16

I won't pretend to understand what all of the symbols Isaiah saw represent.  I even have a book about symbols and find it difficult to feel good about any interpretation I might venture.  Hopefully, some of you have a more poetic or symbolic consciousness and can help in that regard.

One phrase stands out to me in this chapter:

"....lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted and be healed."
What beautiful language.  I especially love the association between conversion and healing.  This isn't the last time this association will be made in The Book of Mormon.  The idea of conversion is commonly associated with a change of beliefs, less often with a change of heart; but seldom, at church, do I hear mention made of the healing nature of conversion.  All are wounded, both physically and spiritually, by the foibles of mortality.  A huge portion of the role of the Atonement is to heal us of those things causing us pain in this life.  I personally believe that any pain can be seen as a pain of Hell.  We mortals are especially good at finding means to mask the pain we experience.  Again, it matters little if it is physical, emotional or spiritual pain.  We self medicate with all kinds of analgesic means that do nothing to alleviate the cause of the pain.  Ultimately, Jesus is the only balm in Gilead.  He is the only true way to find real healing, real relief from pain.  So, we experience the pains of Hell, even in life.  Hell in the next life, however, will most certainly be worse because we will be stripped of our mortal means of self medicating and will eventually, be forced to discover that the only relief available is to give our grief and pain to the Master.  True conversion, then, is principally the same as addiction recovery, coming to an understanding of this great principle and inviting the Savior to heal us.  This works so much better than drugs, or alcohol, or pornography, or Twinkies, because it is real soothing healing, not just a mask for our pain.

I suspect that the coal that was placed upon the lips of Isaiah represented the fire of the Covenant or in other words the cleansing, healing, restoring power of Christ and his holistic ability to make us whole.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 15

I found a pretty neat article about Palestinian Vineyards that depicts the very thing Isaiah speaks of here.  It is interesting to me how many millennia passed by on earth without much change in methods and means of doing things.  Indeed the past two centuries have been amazing in so many ways.

It seems to me like the Lord is saying in this chapter, "We can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way."  Collectively, as well as individually, Israel seems to always want to choose the hard way.  I see this in my own life.  It would be so blessed and easy if I would just be obedient and humble as the Lord leads me through life.  But from Jerusalem to Jackson County, from Zarahemla to Vernal, Utah, we persist in wandering into our own paths and ways of doing things.  Inevitably, but not spitefully, a woe is pronounced upon us; we suffer the consequences of our choices.  Choosing selfishness over obedience, pride over humility, gratification over sacrifice always leads to broken walls, abandoned watch towers and woeful consequences.  "Men are that they might have joy."  But the might have woe, too, if they so choose.

The amazing thing is that God freely grants us the freedom to do this.  To me the beauty in this chapter is that even in our rebellion God's will is accomplished.  Israel is scattered across the entire globe and in the end that blood and influence with bless the entire earth.  How thankful I am that despite my many scattering choices, "His had is stretched out still."  The offer remains, even after death, "Come follow me."

Today, in the Stakes of Zion, the walls are being repaired, the watchtowers rebuilt and the vineyard reestablished.  How fortunate we are to be among those gathered under the protective shelter of the Master's wings.  Occasionally, we or our children, follow Israel's path and pridefully rebel.  Such was the case with me.  But, His hand is stretched out STILL.  While some still choose the hard way, I believe, because of God's faithfulness, it is a way and though it may be a thorny path, His intention is to bring us back safely in the end.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 14

This little chapter sure leaves a lot for conjecture.  I don't think I want to guess why a situation should arise that seven women would want to cling to one man.  I can't imagine what it is that would be their reproach; nor can I imagine why there would be such a ratio.  Or, I should say I can imagine but would rather not.  Any guess would be mere speculation and of no value.  I is plain though, that upon it's fulfillment this prophecy will stand out so as not to be overlooked.

When I was growing up the ratio spoken of seemed more credible than it does today.  I couldn't help noticing, as a child, how many women attended church without their husbands.  The ratio of active women to men was significant.  About the time Women's Lib came on the scene, the ratio has leveled out.  I don't have hard data for this, just personal observation.  The same is true of the Temple.  When I was first endowed I seldom attended a session in which the brethren came close to matching the attendance of the Sisters.  These days it typically is the other way around.  Currently, the ratio is more evenly balanced than it has ever been in my life.  The foreseen imbalance will likely be from something physically catastrophic like war or spiritually so, like pornography.  I'll be watching with interest.  And not a little trepidation.

Wouldn't it be lovely to have, rising above your home, a cloud by day and a pillar by night?  Apparently, Zion must be cleansed first.  Such a cleansing might remove me though, so I'll be patient and try to get ready.  I suspect that though this may be interpreted literally, that figuratively such symbols of faith and loyalty already exist and are visible.  Just as was spoken of yesterday, there are countenance type indicators that are easily perceived through spiritual eyes and I'm not talking about Family Home Evening bumper stickers.  Over on my other blog, Live and Learn, I wrote the other day, about my amazement that a couple of old duffers might make a difference to a collection of juvenile delinquents.  While those kids see no smoke or fire, they do sense the presence and love of the Lord.  The influence of Zion cannot enter Babylon unnoticed.  Not by anybody.

Friday, November 20, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 13

This chapter must have affirmed to the children of Lehi that they had been correct in choosing to follow him into the wilderness.  How comforting it is to have a second witness.  Everyone knew Isaiah was another voice presaging the same things Lehi taught.

An Institute teacher once taught me that much of Isaiah's prophecy referred to more than one period of time.  This seems to be an example.  He was probably speaking of the decline of Jerusalem and Israel at the time of Lehi and also at the time of Alma, and also, Christ and clearly he is speaking of us.  His observations of today's vain and immodest clothing practices make our day appear to be the focal point of his views.

It is easy to speak of immodesty as it applies to the world.  Sometimes, though we need to look a little closer to home.  When I was Deacon's Quorum Adviser a few years ago, the boys approached me with a concern.  They complained that when they were standing, passing the Sacrament, many of the seated sisters had embarrassing necklines which were made even more revealing because of the difference in altitude.  The boys found it very difficult to keep their minds focused on appropriate things during this very sacred ordinance.  When a shy Relief Society President refused to broach the subject with the Sisters, I told her that would.  She capitulated and the problem markedly improved.  I for one am grateful for the modesty of women.

At the Detention Center boys and girls are dressed in modest jump suits and sweat shirts.  The girls are not allowed make-up.  They are all beautiful, clean and groomed.  Occasionally, I encounter a youth who has been released and often I don't recognize them, especially the girls.  Gobs of make-up, immodest clothes or pants sliding way down, paint an entirely different image.  Children who used to appear so sweet and innocent in prison, look a lot more like criminals on the street.  I still love them and I try to look past the costumes they've chosen, but I can see why Isaiah was so dismayed at what Israel would become.

There is a great principle in the central words of this chapter:

9 The show of their countenance doth witness against them, and doth declare their sin to be even as Sodom, and they cannot hide it. Wo unto their souls, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves!
10 Say unto the righteous that it is well with them; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
 I need to spend some time this week considering my doings and what their fruit will inevitably be.  I don't think it is really all that difficult to predict the fruit of this behavior, or that.  Considering beforehand, I think I'd better be making a few changes, quick!