Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mosiah - Chapter 2

I hardly dare elaborate on King Benjamin's address.  This is just about my favorite sermon in all of scripture.  I declare myself an unprofitable servant this day.  I am in such enormous debt to the Lord and yet His blessing continue in abundance.  I shall never in all eternity be capable of repaying that debt.  The chapter reminds me that I'm not blessed so, because I deserve it.  My blessings come because God simply loves me and is interested in my happiness and progress.  Clearly, the best thing I can do is to try to emulate such a God and here, Benjamin teaches that the way to do that is to serve others.

I am happiest when I'm not thinking of or laboring for my own self, but rather laboring, praying and being in the service of others.  Benjamin's example of this very thing could be a worthy benchmark for each of us.


di said...
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di said...
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di said...
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di said...

I tried to leave an image in a comment, but I wasn't clever enough... the picture is my family facing east...