Sunday, February 14, 2010

Alma - Chapter 26

I remember reading back in Enos and Omni, I think it was, how the Nephites made repeated attempts to teach and recover the Lamanites.  Perhaps those Missionaries back then weren't as full of faith and preparation as the Sons of Mosiah.  Perhaps the field just wasn't ripe back then as this chapter describes it to have been for Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni and their brethren.  One thing is certain.  The Sons of Mosiah were prepared and thrust in their sickle with their might.  The result was thousands of converts.

Doctrine and Covenants Section 4, seems to remove any excuse for us.  The field is ripe and read for harvest.  Now all that remains is that each of us prepare ourselves to thrust in our sickle and reap while the day lasts.  Any one who has experienced the joy of bringing a person into the fold has a pretty good idea of the joy Ammon is expressing in this chapter.  If you've not had such a blessing, seek it, pray for it, thrust in your sickle with your might.  That effort will certainly be rewarded with joy you cannot imagine. 

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