Thursday, November 26, 2009

2 Nephi - Chapter 19

One of the most poignant moments in my recovery journey out of addiction, came while reading He Did Deliver Me From Bondage by Colleen Harrison.  There she invited me to liken the scriptures to myself by inserting my own name or a personal pro-noun.  She used this verse for her example:
For unto me a child is born, unto me a son is given; and the government (of my life) shall be upon his shoulder; and (I shall call His name), Wonderful, Counselor, My Mighty God, My Everlasting Father, My Prince of Peace.
On this favorite day, I feel to thank Him most especially, for delivering me from bondage.  Allowing Him to govern my life has led me to sing this verse, along with Handel, over and over and over again.  He was born into mortality for me.  He lived for me.  He died for me.  And so it is for each one of us.

 17 Therefore the Lord shall have no joy in their young men, neither shall have mercy on their fatherless and widows; for every one of them is a hypocrite and an evildoer, and every mouth speaketh folly. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
  18 For wickedness burneth as the fire; it shall devour the briers and thorns, and shall kindle in the thickets of the forests, and they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke.
I think you probably know by now, how much I love the youth at the Detention Center.  I spent two hours last night playing volleyball with them.  How the fire of wickedness is consuming their precious lives.  Of the 22 kids who are presently locked up, there is not one whose home is not broken.  Most have never lived in a two parent home.  Most have parents who themselves are consumed by addiction.  Half have parents who are not even allowed in the building for a visit.  Many get no visitors at all during their entire stay.  Many are being raised by grandparents.  Many have had their very lives threatened.  Some have tried to take the life of another.  Most are promiscuous, and all are saddened by the results. Two are pregnant. Often they commit crimes so they can enjoy the relief from fear, hunger, neglect and rejection the Detention Center provides for them.  Prison and it's regular schedule, meaningful rules, thoughtful structure, caring staff, regular exercise, warm safe beds, regular meals and opportunity to lower their guard, is a haven, if not a heaven, from the hell that is their lives.  For all this, his anger is not turned away (obviously), by his hand is stretched out still.  He loves them and in so many ways is hissing or calling for them.  And they are feeling for Him.  They are scared to trust Him, but gradually some of them do and eventually, all of them will.

1 comment:

di said...

Candleman, The youth you dexcribe break my heart. I can't imagine their lonliness. I am a grandmother of many. I worry and fret and pray for their welfare, their strength to stay on track during their youth and always. Being a Grandma brings me closer to our Father. Like him I am distanced a bit from direct influence. My unconditional love I feel for them keeps them everpresent in my heart and mind. AND I know my love for them cannot compare to the extraordinary love he feels for them, and for me.

From my reading, I responded...

His name shall be called Wonderful. My Jesus, my Wonderful Jesus. I love him, need him, cherish him, worship him, follow him, yearn for him. My Wonderful Redeemer, he is my Wonderful Savior, my Wonderful friend.